Why Your Rhode Island Car Accident Claim Got Denied
Car accidents can cost you thousands in property damage, medical bills, and time off work. Your car insurance is supposed to help cover the expenses. But if the insurance company denies your claim, you could be left to foot the bill yourself. Luckily, there are ways you can appeal a denied claim and get the funds you need to rebuild your life. Was your car insurance claim denied? Read on to find out what to do next.
What are the reasons for denied claims?
Below, learn more about the most common reasons behind car insurance claim denials and how to fix them, courtesy of a Rhode Island car accident lawyer.
Keep in mind that these denials can happen whether you’re filing with your own insurance company or the other driver’s.
Your claim is incomplete hence a car insurance claim denied
One of the simplest reasons why car insurance claims are denied is missing or incomplete information. Maybe a form wasn’t submitted properly, or a document was missing. If you made a typo or filled out information incorrectly, that could also lead to an automatic denial since the information you provided doesn’t match the insurance company’s system.
Your claim exceeds the policy limit
Sometimes, your total damages exceed what the policy will pay for. For example, Rhode Island requires all drivers to carry a minimum liability insurance of $25,000 per person per accident. If your medical bills total $30,000, the insurance company may automatically reject your claim since it’s over the limit.
You waited too long
All insurance companies have a filing window for claims. If you wait too long after the accident to contact them, they may automatically reject your claim. Every company sets its own terms, often ranging from 24 hours to a few days after the crash.
You didn’t seek medical help
If you didn’t let first responders treat you at the scene or seek medical care immediately after the accident, the insurance company may deny your claim. Since you didn’t accept help at the scene, they might believe that your injuries aren’t actually related to the accident.
That said, not every car accident injury is obvious right away. Adrenaline might mask your pain at the time, only for the full extent of your “hidden injuries” to become apparent days, or even weeks, afterward. Even if you feel fine, you should always let first responders help. You can catch potential medical issues early and start a paper trail for your insurance company.
Your policy doesn’t cover the damage
While you might think that liability insurance should cover any type of motor vehicle property damage, that’s not the case.
Liability insurance only covers property damage and bodily injuries if the policy owner causes an accident. If you try to file a claim for damages caused by something outside the scope of your policy, like hail or theft, it will likely be denied. The same can be true if it’s a one-person accident, such as if you hit a tree or fence. For cases like these, you’ll need to have a comprehensive or collision policy to cover the damage.
What to do when car insurance denies your claim
If your claim comes back with a denial, don’t panic. If the reason isn’t already apparent, ask the insurance company to tell you why your claim was denied in writing. Once you know where the issue lies, you can try another tactic.
Correct any filing errors
If your claim is denied due to a filing error, you may only need to fill out a form or submit an additional document. While it may seem too easy, a simple resubmission is sometimes all it takes to get approval.
File a claim with your insurance company
If your claim is denied because the other driver’s insurance policy doesn’t cover all of your damages, you may be able to file with your own company if you have uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.
Underinsured motorist coverage is designed to fill in the gaps the other driver’s insurance won’t pay for. It’s usually bundled with uninsured motorist coverage in a “UIM” policy. But you need to have this policy already in place – it won’t cover any accidents that happen before you sign up.
Appeal the car insurance denied claim
Sometimes, your insurance may deny your claim for a good-faith reason. Other times, you may disagree with their decision. After all, insurance companies are businesses that want to protect their profits. If you feel that your claim isn’t being honored or treated fairly, you can usually appeal it directly with the insurance company.
If that doesn’t yeild results, and you still feel that your claim has been treated unfairly, you can email a complaint to the Rhode Island government’s division of insurance by filling out their provided form.
Can you sue an insurance company for a denied claim?
Yes. If all else fails and you still can’t reach a settlement, you can file a lawsuit with help from a lawyer. A lawyer can let you know if you have a valid case against the insurance company and start legal proceedings. Most civil lawsuits in Rhode Island are ultimately settled out of court, but some escalate to civil trial.
Trust a Rhode Island insurance claims attorney
Dealing with insurance companies can make you feel overwhelmed and hopeless, especially when you’re already stressed. If you need an ally in your corner, Petrarca Law is here to fight for you.
As top Rhode Island car accident lawyers, we have an extensive track record standing up to insurance companies and fighting for the fair settlements our clients deserve. You won’t have to file forms, spend hours on the phone, or navigate a complex system by yourself. We’ll handle it all for you so that you can put all the stress behind you. Contact us today for a free consultation.