  >  Motor Vehicle Property Damage

Motor Vehicle Property Damage

The difference between what the pre-accident car is worth and the market value after the accident and repairs is known as diminished value. Depending on its age and condition, a car that has been in an accident has less resale value than the same vehicle that has never been in an accident. Even if the repairs meet the highest quality standards, potential buyers are unwilling to pay as much for a vehicle they know has been previously damaged.

We are the only law firm in RI handling these types of cases.

Lemon Law Disputes are another area of expertise at Petrarca and Petrarca Law. In order to qualify as a lemon under most state laws, a vehicle must have a major defect covered by the manufacturer warranty that occurred within a certain period of time or miles driven after the vehicle was purchased. The defect must substantially impair their use, value or safety and cannot not be fixed after a reasonable number of repair attempts. Lemon Law is applicable to both new and used vehicles and measures the defect or issue with the vehicle from the perception of the consumer, not the manufacturer or seller. We have successfully handled lemon law cases against Maserati, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Mercedes Benz and Porsche.

Over 40 Years Combined Experience

At Petrarca & Petrarca Law Offices, we are dedicated to getting our clients the justice, compensation, and help they need. With knowledgeable and experienced lawyers and staff, we will work diligently to resolve your case. Petrarca & Petrarca Law Offices have earned a reputation for being aggressive lawyers in the courtroom and for our significant financial recoveries on behalf of our clients.

Free Case Evaluation

Contact our law offices today to schedule a free consultation and learn why we pride ourselves on our reputation and how that translates to your success in the case we pursue with you.

Our office is located in Providence, Rhode Island. You can reach us at 401-273-1111.

Get Compensation For Your Injuries.

Start to finish, Petrarca & Petrarca will handle the entire process so you can focus on getting better. We have been family owned and operated for two decades – with experience from thousands of cases. Call us to schedule your free consultation with us today.

Our Mission is Your Success.

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“We have over 40 years of experience getting our clients what they deserve.”

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Our Expertise

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Our History


Founded in Berlin

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Company of the Year

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